Monday, May 09, 2005

Briefs of the Past Few days...briefly

Went to McDonald's for lunch (of course) at work. Eva, one of the workers, had changed her hair and it looked nice, so I said so. She thanked my and made some small talk: "work busy today, no?" in rough English (she's Mexican, I believe). This all occurred under the Chorus of cat-calls and whoo-hoos from the neighboring Pizzaaah! stand next door.

At C4, I got an extra bottle of meds to tie me over through an Intake evaluation and waiting list at the place I need to transfer; a fat/phat bottle of Happy Pills, Yay!

My Primary and I discussed how things were going....better...mood maintained, but still crashing (a little less) after work. It feels so nice not spending a greater part of the week playing with the idea of shotguns to the head or sleeping pills or vertically slit wrists; not getting sick for an hour before leaving the apartment; getting buzzed just to go out drinking with friends; and suffering mild to hardcore panic attacks throughout the day at work. Now if I could just stop waking up half-drowned from these annoying Night-sweats.

Also, at last meeting, I commented to my Primary one of my goals is to get "more involved with my community," meaning friends, co-workers, neighbors, dating, etc. Just a general phrase. When I got home, that general phrase ironically took on a more literal meaning: I locked my keys in the car! So, I walked to the nearby park's community center, looking for a phone. Nope. They directed me to a convenience store, where I got cash, a Milkyway bar, and a power drink. No phone. So I walked past The Ho (yes, The Ho) Bar to a laundry mat (phone!) and called AAA. A nice walk on sunny day with kids and moms running around the parks. I half read New York Magazine and half watched all the kids getting out from school and play soccer in the park; they laughed and yelled in the sun. A slight breeze rustling my pages as I sat in my building's parking spaces as I watched. It felt nice just to sit outside, warming in the sun like a turtle.

Went out for a drink after work with Harshly-YAH! Had a nice chat and a giggle. She told me about her recent trip to NYC. Other things were said like... ah-ah-ah! What happens in Houlihan's, stays in Houlihan's, so never-you-mind, my dears.

Played (and still suck at) a lot of Killzone.

Bought (and absolutely love) The Walkmen's Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone and their split with Calla. Such a dreamy, funeral-like sound; like The Cure meets The Strokes or something.

Didn't do laundry, but did do the dishes...Holla!

Every atomic-fueled, building flattening, window-shattering sub-woofer in Chicago drove by my apartment between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 3:50 a.m. this morning. Buhmp-buuuuuuvvvfff! Buhmp-buuuuuuvvvfff!


Shiya said...

There you go again, hittin' on them mickie d's hotties...

Shiya said...

p.s. I'm happy to hear thoughts slitting wrists, etc are decreasing. Crate & Houlihans just wouldn't be the same w/out you around...

Anonymous said...

Is that Walkmen record really that good? Would I like it? I dig early funeral-type Cure so you got my curiousity piqued. Maybe The Ho could be our new hang?

Mac said...

Mike, I think/hope you'd like The Walkmen. Check them out: (main) (hear/see a couple of songs)

My favorite song is The Rat on Bows And Arrows.

Mac said...

McDonald's appreciates a Big Mac, thank you very much. :-)

Mac said...

Ha ha ha, I'll have to think about The Ho!