Sunday, August 14, 2005

Pour one out for my Dead Homie

I am in deep mourning.

My good friend, my best friend, my Soul(less)mate died a couple of days ago.

My best pal in the world, Gonzo, lies lifeless and rotting on my dining table. Blank eye staring at the couch, his shell of a torso awaits the Men in White Coats to scapel in and take his guts for others, so that they may hum on without him.

I think I will survive. After a few days without Gonzo, I went to Best Buy and bought another buddy. I'll name him Gonzo, in Tribute. So, after much trial and error, I am connected to The Blogoshpere again. And you my friends.

If you commented, I responded.

I need you all to re-send me your email address as my Address book, for now, sits trapped in the ancient computer on the table. If you sent me a email, and I didn't respond, you now know why. Please re-send or email me fresh.

Don't tell Gonzo (one), but I think I love Gonzo II even more.

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