Monday, January 16, 2006

Zelienople Show on Hump Day

Zelienople Show (My fake flyer)
Originally uploaded by Mac(3).

For those of you looking for something (or someone) to do on Hump Day, might I suggest a show at The Empty Bottle? You can preview some of their songs on their MySpace account.

My friends are taking the stage Wednesday, January 18th. I hope to attend (I'm on the guest list, yo!) and suck down "cheap beer" and gawk Sweet Betties.

If I go, I'll be the one taking pictures, then looking down at the camera going, "what the hell is that?" My photo skills are in need of sharpening.

Now, you may be wondering, "what's up with the 'if' in that sentence. That is because I just received a phone call from an (as of this past Saturday) ex-coworker, L.S. (previous cameos here and here), who may have scored me a Thursday morning interview where she works full-time.

Now, I can work hung-over, but dread the idea of pitting myself against an interviewer with blood-shot eyes and skin reeking of booze while a thousand drums pound in my head.

Okay, wish me luck and go see these guys with or without me.

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