Wednesday, January 25, 2006

For C.C.: Check your Head!

Thanks to Stereogum, I found a link to a Beastie Boys live video clip from their upcoming DVD release Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That. (opens in Windows Media)

Immediately, my mind swerved to the past. High school parties, college parties, and home alone dancing around the room and cold lampin'.

C.C. especially sprang to mind. Both at university and after moving here to Chicago, I was lucky enough (?) to witness and be the target for many an in-you-face (horror?) out-LOUD kareoke-style sing-alongs to these guys. Usually in the comfort of our various apartments (but sometimes right out there in public) while sipping beers on various hand-me-down couches. The Mike D. to her MCA was her roommate Redhead K (who has long been M.I.A.). Then I'd drive us all to the 1056 Club, Borderline, The Empty Bottle, The Lava Lounge, or what ever bar happened upon our agenda for the evening in The Big Red Tomato ("Damn, Mac you drive like my grandma!").

They favored the later stuff, but I am still going to call the first one my favorite: Eat Me!

So, with no further ado, this one's for you C.C. After you pop that baby out, we'll find and down some Brass Monkeys in the kitchen. For old times sake, no?

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