Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If it works out...

I'll be here (The Empty Bottle on Saturday):

But, of course, when it rains, it pours.

I may be attending a booze-fest that Complex Carrie and Justin invited me to attend.

Flipping a coin as I type (talented muthafuka, no?). I am hopng to drink at both events, but we shall see (double).

Wish me luck, or buy a round at either events!


Anonymous said...

Now THAT should be the official promo poster for the show. Right to the point, no pretty nature pictures, no fancy design! A booze fest sounds better than a snooze fest, but if you do indeed decide on our dronin' boners let me know so you don't have to pay hepman!


Mac said...

Ha ha.
Yeah, she hide it on my chest of drawers. I think she planned on using my ID to buy 151 proof liquid Cat Nip!

Sneaky kitty.

Mac said...

I wouldn't have call Saturday night a snooze-fest, you modest rock-n-roller!