Friday, November 18, 2005

Even I have my breaking point

If another self-righteous religious married narrow-minded idiot Fem-bot (Gabby Romanian, this time) accuses me or implies I am gay ("not that there's anything wrong with that") soley because I am:
  • White
  • Thin
  • Over 30 and not married with kid(s)
  • Or any combination of the 3

I may have to punch them square in their over/hasty-generalizing, brain-washed-by-religion, xenophobic right-winged mouth!


Mac said...

I mean, they name ONE drink after you at Spin (Mac's Penis Colonic Coloda), and suddenly you dig men.
WTF, right?

Shiya said...

my thought is, don't wait for them to jump to any conclusion, just PUNCH them square in the jaw before they have the chance...but i might just be feeling a little violent.

Mac said...

Arrrgh, you've outed my secret career!

Mitchissmo said...

i agree with everyone.

Mac said...

Velvet-- Yikes! Good to know, in a misery loves company kind of way... :-)
Your boyfriend is probably very happy you "likes" the penis. Ha ha ha ha.

And Mitchissmo-- You are such the diplomatic hottie. I am honored with your visit to My (humble) Cube.