Thursday, January 06, 2005

First Big Snow Day Shout Outs

Holy Snowfall. I knew a lot of snow had fallen the day/night before, but really did have a clue until I went to my car this morning for work. Luckily, I allowed myself at least an extra 15 minutes for window-scraping, car warming and the commute itself.

After plodding through the ankle deep snow to my car, I began the snow-removal-as-car-idles-to-warm-engine routine. Like a freaking foot of snow atop my car that refused to fully fall off under the sweeping motions I made with my window scraper. Scrape window, sweep off roof, sweep off window, sweep off hood, move to next window, repeat infinity. Finally, had enough and jumped in the car and began the back and forth movement needed to get over the hump from the (possible) snowplow that had gone by. Before my first attempt to breach the bulge a car turned the corner and stopped just behind me as my front peeked out into the street. Knowing this would take multiple tries, I waved the car to go by. Instead a man gets out of the car (Dark, older model, maybe an Oldsmobile) and starts pushing my car. 45 seconds later, I toot my horn a couple of times and wave happily to the man as I drive off to work (once I got moving I was afraid to stop and really block his way, plus my window was frozen shut so I couldn't open it and yell many a "Thank you's" to this guy).

So, here I publicly post a heartfelt "Thank You" to the Hispanic/Mexican male wearing blue coat (maybe Hornets) that hit me with a Total Act of Random Kindness on Fargo today. Thank you; you helped me remember that some people are just nice.

My second Shout Out is a Screw You, Get Bent to whomever busted the window and stole the stereo, insurance papers and etc from the car parked ahead of me. I found this out after work as I parked in the same spot from this morning, and met the car's owner as he scraped and swept the snow from his car. He'd taken public transportation that morning to work. I didn't know what to say, just that I didn't hear his alarm go off, that I'd keep an eye out more, that it's a crying shame, and I wished him the best. That sucked, and I'll probably be next.


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