Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust


"Another Brickyard in the Wall--The former site of the Brickyard Mall at Narragansett and Diversey is now a spanking new "power center" (or "lifestyle center") with a Target, Jewel, and Chicago's first Lowe's. It's really quite nice, but even nicer are these photos of the mall's demolition. The hosting site, Chuck's Photo Spot, also has plenty of Chicagoland urban exploration pics." (quote from Gapers Block)

I spent the first six years of my Chicago life at this place working for these guys. A bad start, leading to nothing yet better. I haven't visited that area since I got laid-off in 2001. Someone told me the place looks better. I just remember a lot of violent, ignorant, fucko customers. Some cool co-workers and a few interesting regular patrons, but, seriously, a lot of Assholes, Mall Zombies, Shoplifters, Car Thieves, Crackheads, and Gangbangers (and their moms) "What Up, Folks?"

Bye-bye Brickyard.

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