Showing posts with label bars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bars. Show all posts

Monday, May 26, 2008

Finally! I already knew of which they speak!

Beer Tabs in a Mug

Most times, while mentally plodding stumbling skimming through articles in The New Yorker, I have only a vague idea what the author is describing or talking about. Politics bore or annoy me; music reviews rarely interest me or are "so last week"; and ballet and plays are really meant to be seen then read about in depth, I think. Generally, I get through most of the magazine with collar flipped up and head down against the rain of information and the wind of confusion coming down on me from on high (mid-town?), hoping something resembling something close to knowledge or inspiration seeps up threw my brain shoes and absorbs into my grey blanket of a brain to be squeezed out at another time (be it in conversation or in virtual conversation here at My Cube HA!).

And with the people I'm surrounded by at The Bank, these moments are few and far between, if ever, like finding a four leaf clover in your pocket or getting complete satisfaction from a posh wank* in front of pr0n.

But today!
Ah, today. A bright, shiny Memorial Day Monday, I've metaphorically found that four leaf clover in my pajama bottom's pocket (after an unsatisfying non-posh wank; alas, we can't have it all, can we?).

For I read this article today.
And, from personal experience and personal experimentation, I could have nearly wrote the blessed thing myself!

Ah, The Hangover.
The Devil who shows its red-eyed skull after a Night of Dancing with Amber Angels. This hideous Demon of dehydration and enzymes and toxins and embattled livers has locked its claws onto my head, clubbed its tail into my stomach, and shat smoky-sulphur fire and litter box smell into my mouth many times. Our battles are neither political nor religious; or, maybe both at once!

Weapons and shields listed and offered for battle in the article range from the Ritualistic to the Scientific. Some range from the most familiar to the most foreign of items and relics. My hands have grasp a few in Loyal Belief while my mind reels in horror from some suggested and offered.

Like all Human Battles through the Ages, the siege and defense against the Gorgon Hangover is an Individual War. As an Army of Drinkers, Quaffers, and Chuggers, we begin the evening together. We toast one another, we challenge each other to contests of shots, we go rounds and rounds in the Spirit of Camaraderie; but in The End, we fight the (De)Hydra Hangover alone on the battlefield.

We, alone, scream into the streaming dagger sunlight, "Corpsman! Corpsman! Corpsman!"

Drink deep from the stream, eat full from the wheat golden grain fields, ingest concentrated spheres of vitamins, flush thy wounded bladder, and sleep the sleep of Rip Van Winkle that night, my Liquid Legions. That is my only humble advice. That is all I can give you now, even after two lifetimes of Spiriting Slaughter and Nigh-Death Tippling.

Go forth and live!
You walk alone, you walk with me.

*I'd link credit to Artificial Industries author, A., for his coining the term "posh wank"; however, A.I. site doesn't want to load for me.

Monday, July 16, 2007

And the cork just fell out

Set up for the night @ The Ho

You shake the champagne bottle slowly, steadily.
You unwind that weird wire cage thing that holds the cork in the top.
You wedge both thumbs between bottle and cork and pryyyyy.

The cork just slips out and falls straight to the floor. No pop, no explosion of bubbly, no spray on the walls and ceiling.

Now what?
That's how I feel a little right now.

I remembered and added a couple more places I've gone, and it boosted me past 300.
That was my goal: 300.
I did it.

Now what?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday? Where you at, Mac?

If you're looking for me (or just someplace to drink), I am planning to Drone Out With My Bone Out at The Empty Bottle (#105) on Friday.

One of the Z-boys' side project, Good House Stuff is playing at 10:00 p.m.
Check 'em out, they're a lovely bunch of coconuts!

The rest of the line-up to watch/listen/cross-your-arms and bob-ya-head to would be:

8pm The Number None
9pm Matt Clark
10pm Good Stuff House
11pm Haptic
12am Dreamweapon

Soon, after Good House Stuff, you will more than likely find my sodden ass at The Mark II Lounge (#261) because I'm a fool with a foolish job and a sucker for Eye-Candy and post two o'clock drinking!

Buy me a round, and I'll fall in love with you ;-)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's 3:30 a.m.: What are you doing?

Mac Attempts To Get Laid; Screws Self Instead


You've had a two days at work. Surfed the net, fended off whiny bankers, argued with coworkers about what your job is and is not. You need a drink by 3 in the afternoon. You leave work on time for once, but irritated at yourself and the workplace as usual. You get home and remember the Z-boys are playing tonight. You take a nap because you are normally exhausted after work, and the additional stress of being angry leaves you half dead. You take a shower, feel a little better in the warm water, a little more like the "self" you can tolerate being around. The water washes away the sweat of the day, but not all the sadness. You deal with it, smoke a cigarette in the kitchen, watching the cabs and cop drive by. That's the way it's been since you returned from that wedding in Scotland: Cabs and cops roaming the street outside your kitchen window, dropping people off and picking people up.
Everyone seems to be going somewhere except you.

You put on your coat, lock the door, and drive to Sonotheque, hoping tonight will be different fun, in hold of a kiss.

You can't find the bar and get lost somewhere amidst the Lake Street El tracks warehouses and million dollar condos. You turn around and around the blocks of closed cleaners and liquor stores hiding behind black iron cages. The streets are empty and your semi-good mood is emptying out with each exhale of now nervous cigarette smoke. You see a tiny blue neon sign peeking out from the window store fronts. You found the place and a parking spot a block away. You flick your Camel Light into the curb and walk into the bar.
After you show the bored dred-locked bouncer your ID, the first thing you see is yourself in a floor-to-ceiling mirror just inside the door to the bar. You cringe at your reflection, and turn away quickly, and walk into the main room. You avoid any mirror you come across, and there are quite a few. You can't bring yourself to look people in the eye.

It's long and dark, just the faint pulsing glow of Christmas light-like twinkles on the floor and the glow of a movie playing on two walls. The place is empty but for your friends, two bartenders, and two DJs at the bar. You swerve straight for Mike and Brian at the bar. Hellos are bandied about as you scan the overpriced drink menu, choosing Old Speckled Hen Ale just for the name and the fact it's only 5 dollars. It turns out to be a fine Ale and you drink 4-5 of them throughout the night. Cock-a-doodle-doo.
You lean against the bar, talking to one of the DJs, nice guy young, and this is his idea: having live music come on after a DJ set. The music is mixed with other bands and some of the DJs original beats. Its got a primal sad trance-like quality to it, which fits fine with your mood. The fake nostalgia of living out a Jay McInerey novel settles onto your brain, and you go with it. You lean against the bar and try and follow Mike and Neil's conversation about obscure movies by obscure foreign directors, and that crappy familiar feeling starts inching into your mood: you are the dumbest person in the room. So, you lean back from the bar and check out the women and men (boys and girls?) trickling into the bar. A rumor goes around the bar that the Z-boys aren't going to play tonight-- no one here to hear-- but that is soon quashed as the crowd surges up to like 40 people, all white hipsters except for a Nigerian ("he's fucking wacky to listen to" someone whispers to me) and a cute energetic Asian woman ("I think I met her at another of our shows" Mike whispers into my ear). You've been spending time in Gallagher's for so long, you suddenly feel out of place with all these white faces strutting around white men in leather jackets striking poses and white women standing with one leg jutted out in front of them ass pushed out just so with one hand on hip. There's a different vibe among those seeking attention, looking for a week-night hookup. You wonder what vibe you put out, shake your head and take a huge gulp of Hen: it can't be good.
The band starts playing, yet no one seems to notice. The band and the DJs have timed it worked it so the last song on the speakers was in the same key and beat as the first song by the band. It flows seamlessly into each other.
The set is mellow and good and you try to take some pictures (knowing that they won't turn out very well). There's a guy at the end of the bar who looks like a member of some Russian Mafia feeling the waist of a ample Blonde. It's strange, but you get the idea that he "owns" her. The couple next to you starts making out at the bar, you stare at the woman's jet blue-black wavy hair, and smell her sweet perfume and try to remember the last time you made out at the bar: Holly H.. 1998.
You sigh and finish your beer and scan the crowd, eyes stopping briefly on the pig-tailed girl in the 50s red dress white tights, then move on back to the Asian woman in the simple-black-dress whose name you forgot even though Mike introduced you only like 30 minutes ago. Your eyes meet, and you know there's not even a flicker of a chance, so you return to your smoke, stare at the mile long line of liquor bottles on the wall and let her go on speaking to the crazy Nigerian unmolested.
It's nearing 2 o'clock now, and you still want more beer, so you leave the Z-boys, and drive north on Ashland racking your brain for somewhere else to go. Gallagher's is closed on Tuesdays, so you try go through a list of all the 4 am bars you can think of, none of them sparking the least bit of fiery interest in your Ale-soaked brain. You turn onto Western Avenue and see an open spot next to the Mark II Lounge and think "why not." It'll be dead, but you can always mopey-gawk the hot Bulgarian waitstaff and drink in peace.

Mark II Lounge--- Edie and Robert

My Place closed until May 11th

Mullens---model---link in email?

Mark II--- Latin Swing Night

Gallagher's----Ren and Jane
More later---Mac

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mac expands his (pub) horizons

Advice for Fresh
Originally uploaded by Mac(3).

Sorry for the long delay in posts, pics, and what-not, but I've had a lot on my mind. For, you see, I am preparing for a trip to the fair hills and dales of Edinburgh, Scotland.
"But, Mac, that's a long way to go just for a drink," you may say.
Now, true, I am excited to sample a tipple or two of beers born and bred in European soil and vats, but I am going to attend more important of matters and events.
The marriage of Fresh to his lovely lass, The Doctor. That's right; a honest-to-goodness card-carrying PHD Doctor (must I always be the dumbest person in the room? Couldn't marry someone that pops up in this search, huh?).

A few weeks ago, Fresh returned to native land for a weekend of drinking, giggles, and kilted fun, a Stag Party Weekend in his honor. I've waited too long to expound on the weekend of fun in any detail, so I'll let the pictures do the talking for themselves. I had a great time, and enjoyed meeting some of his family and friends (and look forward to seeing them again in Scotland).

I've got my passport (with required shitty photo), my luggage (blue, battered, and heavy), my flight (long and, well, fucking long!), and lodging (right in the heart of Princes Street! The Court Street of Edinburgh! (or something like that)), and my Lilly-sitter all lined up and in order for the most part.

But I haven't a thing to wear! (Combination of bad fashion taste and the dread of actually doing laundry. Ever). Cripes, I'll be the stinky, Fashion Don't Representative of America for two weeks. I shall be pummeled with pint glasses and thrown off the Waverly Bridge or hung from the gallows below the Edinburgh Castle!

Or praised for my "cool, vintage early-90's apparel."

Ah well, pass a bit of the Jameson, and smooth my furrowed brow (and add another church to The List, brother).

Okay, haven't a clue what this post is about.
Later, and more often, I hope.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Wingman Cometh.

I am sipping a beer, the first in two - 3 weeks (been sick, ya know). I have just mopped the floor, scrubbed the sinks, went all Hazmat on the toilet, and vacuumed the rugs (well, as much as I could do until the fucker started smoking. Instead of sweet Lilac, my apartment current smells of burnt rubber and melted steel).

"Mac, what's up with the uncharacteristic cleaning binge?" you may ask? (And, beeyatch, you know it's love when I clean the bathroom!!!)

As mentioned before, my last and bestest Wing man is tying the knot (clipping his wings?) in Scotland (I think that's somewhere east of New York?). However, before the falcon gets his claw ball 'n' chained, we Chicagoans are blessed with his presence for the weekend.

Will this be the Final Lost Weekend (with or without extension?) Or merely a mournful tippling of amber and black doubles and pints, a wake of sorts, the Death of a Single Man?

Dinner eaten both in and out (and in again). Dive bars dived into. Laughs laughed. Old friends will trade stories and lies of yore, and new friends met with smiles (and judgement...ha ha!). Pins will be toppled. All-in-all, much fun shall be had by all.

The cherry on top will be the kidnapping on Sunday, when we refuse to let him return to the soggy north of the U.K.

If you see us out, buy us a drink or pony-up for bail, yo!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

An Incomplete/Still Growing List of all the Bars, Clubs, restaurants, Dives, or Memorable Hotels where I've either had a drink or got stumble-y drunk

Beer Bottle Line-up

(Since maybe age 17(?). Enjoy)

  1. Ten56 Club (Chicago)
  2. Tony's (Athens)
  3. 6 Penny Bit (Chicago)
  4. The Union (Athens)
  5. Abbey Pub (Chicago)
  6. Beach Club (Athens)
  7. The Junction (Athens)
  8. O'Hooley's (Athens)
  9. Alumni Club (Chicago)
  10. Screwhouzer's (Athens)
  11. Elbo Room (Ft. Lauderdale)
  12. Summer's (Ft. Lauderdale)
  13. Random slashy on highway (Florida)
  14. Random country bar on highway (Florida)
  15. Sloppy Joe's (Key West)
  16. Cute and quaint bar (Fel's Point, Baltimore)
  17. Augenblick (Chicago)--gone.
  18. Event's (Athens)
  19. Some bar in Northbrook, IL
  20. Random Rural Bar/Grill (outside Arlington OH)
  21. Some bland Bar in Oak Park, IL
  22. Casa Cantina (Athens)
  23. Another bland Bar in Oak Park IL
  24. The Nickelodian (Athens)
  25. Third bland Bar in Oak Park, IL
  26. Uptown (Athens)
  27. The Dugout (Athens)
  28. Beat Kitchen (Chicago)
  29. The Newport (O.S.U.)
  30. American House of Beers (Chicago)
  31. Stache's (O.S.U.)
  32. Outer-Inn on Frambe's (O.S.U.)
  33. Big Chicks (Chicago)
  34. Frambe's (O.S.U.)
  35. Big Horse (Chicago)
  36. Mean Mister Mustard's (O.S.U.)
  37. Big Joe's (Chicago)
  38. Melody Bar (New Jersey)
  39. Black Cat (Chicago)
  40. Algonquin Hotel (NYC)
  41. Bleacher's (Chicago)
  42. The Spring Lounge (NYC)
  43. "Blue Collar" Bar @ Damen/Addison (Chicago)
  44. 3rd Ave. Irish Bar (NYC)
  45. Blue Note (Chicago)
  46. Weird Russian Bar (NYC)
  47. Bluebird Lounge or maybe Betty's Blue Star Lounge (Chicago)
  48. B.L.U.E.S. (Chicago)
  49. Small bar in LES (NYC)
  50. Bootlegger's (Chicago)
  51. The Pyramid (NYC)
  52. Border Line Tap (Chicago)
  53. Nacho Mama's (NYC)
  54. Bowling Alley @ Harlem/Grand (Chicago)
  55. Charlie's Blind Pig (Toledo)
  56. Bowling Alley above Douglas TV (Chicago)--gone.
  57. Bowling Alley near Irving Park/Ravenswood (Chicago)
  58. Breaktime (Chicago)
  59. Bucktown Pub (Chicago)
  60. The Sty (Toledo)
  61. Cabaret Voltaire (Chicago)
  62. Murphy's (Toledo)
  63. Cafe Ashe (Chicago)--gone.
  64. Frankie's (Toledo)
  65. Celluloid/ Liquid Kitty? (Chicago)
  66. The Barking Spider (Cleveland)
  67. Champs (Skokie)
  68. Checkerboard Lounge (Chicago)
  69. Euclid Tavern (Cleveland)
  70. Chicago Joe's (Chicago)
  71. The Grog Shop (Cleveland)
  72. Claddagh Ring (Chicago)
  73. Clubfoot (Chicago)
  74. Claus's Tavern (Chicago)
  75. Random Gay bar after B.C.'s wedding (Cleveland)
  76. Cody's Public House (Chicago)
  77. Circus Circus (Cleveland, The Flats)-- naked ladies, yay!
  78. Corner of Racine/Addison (Chicago)
  79. Random Irish Bar (Cleveland, The Flats)
  80. Some big-ass bar (Cleveland, The Flats)
  81. Coyote Joe's (Chicago)
  82. Dillon's (Findlay)
  83. Crobar (Chicago)
  84. Nine of Clubs (Cleveland)
  85. Cunneen's (Chicago)
  86. The Jim Dutch II (Hometown)
  87. Daily Bar and Grill (Chicago)
  88. Danny's Tavern (Chicago)
  89. West End Tavern (Hometown)
  90. Deacon Brodies (Chicago)
  91. The Party Bar (Hometown)
  92. DejaVu (Chicago)
  93. Oler's Pub (Hometown)
  94. Delilah's (Chicago)
  95. The Oiler Pub (Hometown)
  96. Dirty Nellie's (Palantine, IL?)
  97. Wesley's (Hometown)
  98. Dome Room (Chicago)
  99. Woolley Bully's (Hometown)
  100. Double Door (Chicago)
  101. G. Willickers (Hometown)
  102. Drink (Chicago)
  103. BW3 (Bowling Green, OH)
  104. Duke of Perth (Chicago)
  105. Uptown/Downtown (Bowling Green)
  106. Edgewater Lounge (Chicago)
  107. El Jardin (Chicago)
  108. Howard's (Bowling Green)
  109. Elbo Room (Chicago)
  110. The one with the deck (Bowling Green)
  111. The Empty Bottle (Chicago)
  112. Some English Pub @ Diversey/Ashland (Chicago)
  113. Fricker's (Hometown)
  114. Estelle's (Chicago)
  115. Some dive bar (Kent State U.)
  116. Excalibar (Chicago)
  117. Ozzie's (Kent State U.)
  118. Farragut's (Chicago)
  119. Fireside Bowl (Chicago)
  120. Stoney Ledge (Hometown)
  121. Fireside Restaurant (Chicago)
  122. Nick's Bar (Athens)
  123. Get Me High Lounge (Chicago)
  124. The Walnut (Hometown)
  125. Gingerman (Chicago)
  126. Gulliver's (Chicago)
  127. Luckey's (Hometown)
  128. Ginger's Ale House (Chicago)
  129. Inck's (Hometown)
  130. Glennway Inn (Chicago)--gone.
  131. Gold Star Bar (Chicago)
  132. Charlie's Hideaway (Hometown)
  133. Great Beer Palace (Chicago)
  134. Miss Cue's (Hometown)
  135. Griffin's Public House (Chicago)
  136. Dominick's (Hometown)
  137. Johnny O'Hagan's (Chicago)
  138. Hard Rock Cafe (Chicago)
  139. one in Mall (Hometown)
  140. Harry Caray's (Chicago)
  141. 950 Club (Washington DC)
  142. Heartland Cafe (Chicago)
  143. Tourney on the Green (Washinton DC)
  144. Holiday Club in Wicker Park (Chicago)
  145. Holiday Club on Sheridan (Chicago)
  146. Planet Hollywood (Washington DC)
  147. Holiday Inn @ Rosemont (Chicago)
  148. Hard Rock Cafe (Hawaii)
  149. Hopcat (Chicago)
  150. Hard Rock Cafe (Baltimore)
  151. Hopleaf (Chicago)
  152. Noisemaker's (Cleveland)
  153. Huckleberry's (Chicago)
  154. BW3s (Columbus)
  155. Hunt Club (Chicago)
  156. Backdoor Lounge (Hometown)
  157. Innertown Pub (Chicago)
  158. Irish Eyes (Chicago)
  159. Joshua's (Toledo)
  160. Izmir's (Chicago)--gone.
  161. J&T's (?) @ Clark/Belmont (Chicago)
  162. Jacko's (Chicago)
  163. John Barleycorn (Chicago)--sucks
  164. Johnny O'Hanagan's (Chicago)
  165. Joy-Blue (Chicago)
  166. Justin's (Chicago)
  167. Kaboom (Chicago)
  168. Kerouac Jack's (Chicago)--gone.
  169. The Konak (Chicago)
  170. Lakeside Lounge (Chicago)
  171. Lakeview Lounge (Chicago)
  172. Lakeview Links Bar and Grill (Chicago)
  173. The Bottom Lounge (Chicago)
  174. Lava Lounge (Chicago)
  175. The Leadway (Chicago)
  176. Lemming's (Chicago)
  177. The Lennox Lounge (NYC)
  178. Lily's (Chicago)
  179. Houlihan's (Skokie)
  180. Lincoln Tap Room (Chicago)
  181. The Long Room (Chicago)
  182. Lounge Ax (Chicago)--gone.
  183. Mad Bar (Chicago)
  184. Marie's Riptide Lounge (Chicago)
  185. Martyr's (Chicago)
  186. Charlie's Ale House in Andersonville (Chicago)
  187. Matchbox (Chicago)
  188. Matilda's (Chicago)
  189. Metro (Chicago)
  190. Monsignor Murphy's (Chicago)
  191. Burwood Tap (Chicago)
  192. Morseland (Chicago)
  193. Mother's (Chicago)
  194. Mother's Too (Chicago)
  195. Nick's Beergarden (Chicago)
  196. Northside Bar and Grill (Chicago)
  197. Oasis (Chicago)
  198. O'Hare Airport (Chicago)
  199. O'Lanagan's II (Chicago)
  200. Penny Lane (Chicago)
  201. Phyllis' Musical Inn (Chicago)
  202. Poor Phil's (Oak Park, IL)
  203. Pumping Company (Chicago)
  204. Quencher's (Chicago)
  205. Rainbo Club (Chicago)
  206. Raven's (Chicago)
  207. Raw Bar (Chicago)
  208. Ray's @ Damen/Giddings
  209. Red Line Tap (Chicago)
  210. Redmond's (Chicago)
  211. Rock'n'Bowl (Chicago)
  212. Rosebud (Chicago)
  213. Rose's Lounge (Chicago)
  214. Schubas (Chicago)
  215. Sheffield's (Chicago)
  216. Silver Cloud (Chicago)
  217. Simon's Tavern (Chicago)
  218. Smart Bar (Chicago)
  219. Snicker's (Chicago)
  220. "Something" Pig (Chicago)
  221. some Sport's Bar (Schaumburg, IL)
  222. Stevie D's (Chicago)
  223. Star Gaze (Chicago)
  224. Stone Crab (Evanston, IL)
  225. The Subterranean (Chicago)
  226. Ten Cat Club (Chicago)
  227. Tequila Roadhouse (Chicago)
  228. The Fireside (Chicago)
  229. The Gin Mill (Chicago)
  230. The Green Mill (Chicago)
  231. The Hideout (Chicago)
  232. The Lodge (Chicago)
  233. Gunther Murphy's (Chicago)
  234. The Note (Chicago)
  235. Thurston's (Chicago)
  236. Grizzly's Lodge (Chicago)
  237. Tommy Nevin's Pub (Evanston, IL)
  238. Tuman's Alcohol Abuse Center (Chicago)
  239. Murphy's (Chicago)
  240. The Tiny Lounge (Chicago)
  241. Trader Vic's (Chicago)
  242. Vaughn's (Chicago)
  243. View N Brew/ The Vic (Chicago)
  244. The Aragon (Chicago)
  245. The Village Tap (Chicago)
  246. Wild Goose (Chicago)
  247. The Wild Hare (Chicago)
  248. Wrigleyville Tap (Chicago)
  249. The Wrightwood Tap (Chicago)
  250. Hi-Tops (Chicago)
  251. Wrigleyside (Chicago)
  252. Yakzies (Chicago)
  253. The Second City (Chicago)
  254. Zodiac (Chicago)
  255. The Lamp Post Tavern (Chicago)
  256. The Hidden Cove (Chicago)
  257. Boomers (Chicago)
  258. The Grafton (Chicago)
  259. The Uptown Lounge (Chicago)
  260. The Keg of Evanston (Evanston)
  261. The Ho (Chicago)
  262. Poitin Stil (Chicago)
  263. Gateway Bar and Grill (Chicago)
  264. Mullen's Sports Bar and Grill (Chicago)
  265. The Tally-Ho (Chicago)
  266. L&L (Chicago)
  267. Mark II Lounge (Chicago)
  268. Ricky G's (Chicago)
  269. Bernie's Tavern (Chicago)
  270. Jarheads (Chicago)
  271. Gallaghers (Chicago)
  272. My Place (Chicago)
  273. The Greenery (Athens)
  274. The Red Light (Chicago)
  275. The Green Eye (Chicago)
  276. K's Dugout (Chicago)
  277. The Huettenbar (Chicago)
  278. The Bitenbar (Chicago)
  279. Snicker's Deli (Chicago)
  280. E.P.D. (Chicago)
  281. Roberston's 37 Bar (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  282. Monster Mash (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  283. The Blind Poet (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  284. Guildford Arms (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  285. Subway Nightclub (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  286. The Saltire (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  287. Bar with five stories [name unknown] (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  288. Cask and Barrel (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  289. Pivo (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  290. The Black Bull (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  291. Mansion Bar at the Zoo (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  292. The Holiday Inn at the Zoo (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  293. Three Tun Cellar (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  294. Deacon Brodie's (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  295. Clever Dick's (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  296. World's End (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  297. Dino's (Chicago)
  298. Lucky Star (Chicago)
  299. Candlight (Chicago)
  300. Sonotheque (Chicago)
  301. Maggiano's Little Italy [downtown] (Chicago)
  302. Fado's (Chicago)
  303. Slugger's/Dueling Piano Bar (Chicago)
  304. Pint (Chicago)
  305. Holiday Club on Irving Park (Chicago)
  306. Nick's Uptown (Chicago)
  307. Emerald Isle (Chicago)

And I realize many "names" aren't correct (or aren't even names but locations). I tried. Hell, looking over this list I compiled one day when uber-bored at work (JC Penney's@ The Brickyard back in, like, 1997), there a few that I have no recollection of who, what, where, or when on the matter. And some of the bars no longer exist.

Ever been to any of these? Comments? Memories? Updated links for me? Whoo-weee, need a drinky-poo. Start a blog-meme: Do your own list, then link to me, like this.

Sometimes it's not where you drink, but what you drink, that matters most.