Friday, June 30, 2006

Let the Mongoose Fly

I am bored.
I called Complex Carrie and Justin, to see if they wanted to come over and watch Where the Buffalo Roam (I had an urge to see it again), but was denied. A couple of beers and a few songs later, I've decided to go OUT. (Further!)

I'm feeling the pull of the beast of the city, the nag of the neighborhood; so my plan is to walk over to Clark Street and plant my ass at the first bar I find/discover.

I want to see what happens.

If anything at all.

Saturday, June 24, 2006



I almost want to move there, now.
Oh, wait: I do live here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Oh, for the Love of Money!

So, you may be asking yourself, "where the hell has Mac been?"

I know a great amount of time has passed with little to no updates. Sorry 'bout that. Since working at The Bank, my thinking about money has changed... a bit.

In the past, and really still, the focus is on how to make it paycheck to paycheck. Still holds true, but not as "by the skin of our teeth" close. Then, when you add-in being surrounded by coworkers in charge of million dollar Trust accounts and commercial loans, the scattered chatter about interest rates, an upcoming eligibility for a 401(k), and the rash of marriages and babies popping up around me and amongst my friends, I start to think about getting to that next step in my life. I'd like to have a place of my own, something to horribly decorate to my taste. Maybe even share it with someone I love.

But that fantasy looks just like that: a fantasy.

So, what have I been up to? Sinking into and tweaking this software. Freaking addictive, and an eye-opener. Sadly, it looks as though I'll run completely out of money in the year 2045 (would you stingy bastards click that Paypal button on the right already!); though I think that's because I didn't know how to convert some stocks into the program, or upcoming raises, and 13 other things.

But the eventual fall into total bankruptcy doesn't stop me from blowing hard-earned cash on these two (FUN) time-wasters: Guild Wars Factions and Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection.

That's right.

I may be a 35 year old doofus, wearing a tie, and working two jobs, but somewhere deep down inside there is still lives the boy who dreams of slaying dragons, rescuing fair-(mocha)-skinned maidens and boffing bar wenches (they are never at The Ho). Or blowing things up and securing the beach with a machine gun. (If you're on Factions online, let me know, I may start up a Guild; just look for The Lords of the Two Six Um, that's a hint, dude).

So whattayagonnado?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Take me out to the ballpark

That's right, I'm going to a baseball game tomorrow night. Cubs vs. Houston (Oilers? Oh, Astros)

With my boss and her boss and another coworker.

The coworker is L.S., who used to work with me at my part time job. This event came together as a way for D.BBoss to thank her for referring me to the job at The Bank. See, bank employees get $500 for employee referrals that stay employed at The Bank, but since she is hired by The Bank and not an actual Bank Employee, she gets squat. So that's nice of him.

Apparently, the main reason I'm invited is because he didn't want to go only with her.

"What are we gonna talk about?"

So, basically, I am there pretty much for conversation buffer/fodder. Whatever, right? He'll probably fund most of the beer, and I think he's smuggling in two huge bags of peanuts. It might be a fun night. I get along fairly well with my boss, Harley A.

And I dig free beer.

If any of you are at the game, look for a skinny guy in glasses and a cap (either a NY Jets cap or an O.U. cap): that'll probably be me, chugging awkward beers, leering at the ladies and asking things like "Sooo, how many innings are left?" or "Who wants to go out for a smoke?"

I'll try to let you know how it goes (and try to get some blackmail; erm, I mean photos).

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm a published photographer!

Tiffin Indian restaurant
Originally uploaded by Mac(3).

Back in late May, this photo made the Short List for inclusion on a website.

I haven't downloaded the site, but here's proof that they picked me!

Mac on